Redwall Season 3

When Martin the Warrior is captured and enslaved by the evil Lord Badrang, Tyrant of Marshank,he swears to free the slaves and take his father's sword back from Badrang. He, Rose, a mole named Grumm, and a hedgehog named Pallum go on a quest to find the legendary city of Noon Vale and gather reinforcements to rescue the freed slaves besieging Marshank.

Positive Things
People sacrifice their lives for each other. The importance and values of freedom are stressed frequently. When a rabbit is trapped by a rat and about to get killed (Spoiler alert: he doesn't) he responds to the rat's taunts, "At least I will die a free beast!"

Negative Things
Badrang and his horde are absolutely evil. They seem to enjoy slaying their slaves, enemies, and even each other. In arguably the most scary scene in the movie one of them allows another to drown responding to his screams, "Quiet! You want them to hear us?" A slave consumed with anger attacks Marshank alone, and is killed for his troubles. We see about six rats hacking him, but we never see the body and it remains, as usual, bloodless. Spoiler Alert: Badrang unintentionally jumps onto Martin's sword. Some people speak about taking their revenge, though in the end Martin makes it very clear by saying, "We are not fighting for revenge! We are fighting for freedom!" Badrang stabs a main character and we see her eyes go wide and then her body go limp. A corsair walks around talking to and laughing at the dead bodys.

This season almost made me cry. No kidding. Joel said he had tears in his eyes at the end of the last episode. The violence and atrocities of Badrang and his cronies knock this one out for viewers under the age of ten, but this is a perfect season for any age above that.


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