Incredibles 2

Imagine Mom, Mrs Incredible, leaves home. Catastrophe already right? Now imagine that Dad, Mr. Incredible, wipes out oldest daughter's date's memory, cannot understand a thing about his younger son's math homework, and the baby starts shooting lasers out of eyes because that is what superhero babies do I guess. Meanwhile, a villain/hacker named Screenslaver is battling Elastigirl, who is Mom as a superhero. Except, superheroes are illegal so she can't really fight. No more catastrophe. INCREDIBLE CATASTROPHE!

Positive Things
All of the Incredibles put their own lives at risk to rescue others. At one point Dash, the middle kid, pushes an old lady out of the way from a car sized rock, even going as far as to straighten her glasses afterwards (:D). Mr. Incredible admits his mistakes, and genuinely tries to do what's best for his family, despite several frustrated outbursts at difficult math homework. That's nice to see in a popular movie these days. The director said that the Incredibles is about a family of superheroes just trying to be a family. Violet, the oldest, sums it up nicely when she says she thought they would be able to fight crime as a family. She's also a typical teen. She gets mad when she get's stuck on babysitting duty, tells her Dad to leave her alone, and runs off to her room every time she has a problem. At the end, she and her Dad make up. 

Negative Things
For a family movie, there sure was a lot of swear words in here. D****d and H*** each were used once, and at one point a character named Frozone completely loses it when the Incredible's baby, Jack-jack, starts causing mayhem. Oh my *** is used multiple times. Another character says that [SPOILER WARNING] trying to tame Jack-jack with cookies will result in a demon baby. Screenslaver uses goggles and screens to hypnotize people, which some families may find offensive. [END OF SPOILER WARNING]

Incredibles 2 has a lot of good messages in it concerning family, especially how it needs a Mom and a Dad. However, the surprising amount of swearing in it may ward some people off. 


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