Farmer Giles of Ham and The Hobbit

Here is Farmer Giles of Ham and how it measures up to The Hobbit and the rest of Tolkien's Legendarium.

Farmer Giles of Ham
Similar to The Smith of Wootton Major this story is set in a kingdom on ancient England a long time ago. The main character is a farmer named Giles who lives in a town called Ham. My favorite character actually is his dog, Garm, who can talk and is the butt of most of the jokes. Honestly, this story is also far funnier then any Tolkien story I've ever read. One day Garm finds a giant wandering around the kingdom destroying, well, destroying pretty much everything. Giles get's so mad when the giant starts stomping around Ham that he grabs his blunderbuss and shoots the giant with a nail, making him go away. As a reward, the king sent him a sword. This sword turns out to be a very famous sword named Tailbiter. Then Garm finds a dragon wandering around the countryside burning and plundering as dragons do. Giles "heroically" defeats the dragon and makes it promise to bring back it's golden horde, which it obviously doesn't do. This makes the king mad so Giles and a whole bunch of sissy knights start out to kill the dragon, and Giles ends up stealing, or plundering, all of the beast's treasure and making it his ally. Giles eventually become king.

One of the most obvious things that I see here is the fact that there is a dragon and the dragon has a whole lot of treasure, similar to Smaug. Another thing that is interesting is the king of the realm. This king is lot like the Master of Laketown. He is worried pretty much only about his safety and his financial gain. Another item of interest that is part of nearly every one of Tolkien's stories is that a weak person (Hobbit, smith, farmer...) get's something of power. Unlike The Lord of the Rings Giles uses it instead of trying to destroy it. Another fact is that in The Hobbit Bilbo returns home and lives in simple comfort, but in Farmer Giles of Ham he returns and becomes a king! All in all, the story is worth a few laughs and the time spent reading it. Hope you enjoyed this post!


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