6 Things That We Might See From Scifi and 3 We Probably Won't

Things we might see:
Exosuit/mech: These would be very useful. People could use them to boost their strength and lift heavy objects. In a fight they could crush things into smithereens and could even be equipped with guns and other weapons.
Laser cannons: In a non gravity situation a bullet wouldn't do that much. Then again, the scientific definition of laser would mean that it wouldn't be called a laser. A better word would probably be heat ray. These could be used to melt enemy vehicles, turning even a normal infantry into a problem.
Starfighters: Duh, how else are we gonna fight space pirates. Speaking of space pirates...
Space Pirates: Metals that are very useful and rare on earth are in abundance on asteroids and maybe other planets. People have actually talked about starting a business to mine these metals in the future. No kidding. greedy criminals would probably like to grab these and sell them on black markets. 
Atmosphere Machines: If scientist could figure out how to make oxygen, they could put these machines on a planet and boost the atmosphere up to human levels. Of course, the planet would have to have enough gravity to hold it.
Droids: Droids, or robots, could do all the gritty dangerous jobs to radioactive for humans. They could even be equipped with weapons and used as infantry.

What We Probably Won't See:
Walkers: As much as awesome it is to see walkers running around blowing things up, they just aren't practical. For transportation, they are pretty much useless as heavy duty rovers could do that trick for us. For battles they are even more useless because one well placed blast on the leg would neutralize it.

Aliens: Every planets scientists have found are extremely hostile to life, and all signal they found also do not indicate life. Therefore, it is highly unlikely that aliens would exist.

Gigantic Cruisers or Satellites: The gravity that these cruisers and satellites would generate would seriously mess things up, despite the fact of how sweet they are.


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